Thursday, March 6, 2008

Hitting the pause button

I was all set to get started hardcore on credit card #3.

In fact, I sent off $200 to it already.

Then I remembered I was supposed to hit the pause button for a moment.

You see, we have not done our taxes yet as we wanted to put some cash in some IRAs for 2007 before we did that. And the goal had been to take care of that this month. Oops, I forgot about that.

So, I am hitting the pause button on the payoff of credit card #3 just for a couple of weeks.

Instead I will be putting $1,000 into an IRA for both of us. Sure, it is not the max that is allowed but it is what is affordable for now. And the way I figure it, getting $1000 each into an IRA is better than nothing. After that I think I want to set up some sort of auto-debit each month for 2008.

I already have $500 sitting in an account for the IRAs. Only $1500 more and then I can get back to credit card #3!

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