Wednesday, August 29, 2007

What is up with Ohio?

I saw this interesting story on Yahoo Finance, The Wealthiest and Poorest Places in the US and Ohio is all over this story.

While Ohio is not the poorest state (Mississippi is) it has several cities pointed out as poorest. Cleveland is listed as the city with the lowest median income of any city in the nation with more than 250,000 residents - households there earned only $26,535!! AND Cincinnati rounds out the top 10 with households earning only $31,103. And that is not the last mention of Ohio. Check out this:

"The lowest income town of any with more than 65,000 population was Youngstown, Ohio at $21,850, which finished last by a large margin."

Whoa. That is really horrible! Ohio doesn't seem like it would be quite so bad off. And where in the state are people making enough to keep Ohio from claiming the poorest state title from Mississippi?

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