Monday, February 26, 2007

Forward my mail to Europe please

It's rather unfortunate that moving to Europe isn't as simple as moving across the U.S. I lived in several states on both coasts here in the U.S. I'd have no problem just selling everything and moving.

So, my options are:
  • to marry someone from whatever country I want to move to (not gonna happen)
  • take a skills test to go over as a skilled worker (i can get a crappy job here!)
  • start a business in whatever country I want to move to, which of course means i have to have $$ to run the business and (in most countries) be able to hire at least 2 people that are citizens of that country to work at said business
  • have enough money that it can, in essense, buy your citizenship. only 500,000 euros in Greece! that's only what, about $650,000 given the current atrocious exchange rate.

So, the plan is to get net worth of $500,000 so the move can happen sooner rather than later.


Anonymous said...

What does make you want to move Europe? I am an european and believe me I would not change the us to world.

gypsytraveler said...

ah, the list is long. the first thing that comes to mind is healthcare.